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AVHRR Calibration Coefficients (MITRAM V1) - Last Update February 8, 2016

AVHRR Calibration Coefficients (MITRAM V1) - Last Update February 8, 2016

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  • Bhatt, R, DR Doelling, BR Scarino, A Gopalan, P. Minnis, KM Bedka, 2015, A consistent AVHRR visible calibration record based on multiple methods applicable to the NOAA degrading orbits, Part I: Methodology, J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., Vol. 33 No. 11, pp. 2499-2515, DOI: 10.1175/JTECH-D-16-0044.1
  • Doelling, R. Bhatt, BR Scarino, A Gopalan, P. Minnis, KM Bedka, 2015, A consistent AVHRR visible calibration record based on multiple methods applicable to the NOAA degrading orbits, Part II: Validation, J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., Vol. 33 No. 11, pp. 2517-2534, DOI: 10.1175/JTECH-D-16-0042.1
  • AVHRR calibration coefficient netCDF file - This file contains all of the NOAA- AVHRR/2 and AVHRR/3 MITRAM calibration coefficients in the science data array named 'avhrr_gains'. (These are the values in the MITRAM column of the Channel tables at links below) and associated data arrays. The global attributes of this file include the the AVHRR/3 dual to single gain conversion models for all the three channels.
Multiple Invariant Targets Referenced to Aqua-MODIS (MITRAM) AVHRR calibration coefficients

Aqua-MODIS SNO AVHRR calibration coefficients (N15-N19, Metop-A, Metop-B) , Version 1

Terra-MODIS SNO AVHRR calibration coefficients (N16, N17, N18, Metop-A, Metop-B) , Version 1