NASA - SatCORPS - pre-ceres 2.0

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CERES Calibration

CERES Calibration

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SatelliteLongitudeLaunch DateCNT. RespDSL RangeE0g0g1g2C0U (%)DCC+Desert+LaRCSpace CNT.Data Src.Data Bit
GOES-5 75W May 22, 1981 Squared 86-1151 531.7 -0.0007e-4 0.00884 0.0 22 2.17 Image Image NOA 8-bit
GOES-6 108W Apr 28, 1983 Squared 000-000 531.11 0.0042e-4 0.00952 0.0 25.0 7.74 Image Image CSU 8-bit
GOES-7 98W/135W Feb 26, 1987 Squared 718-2757 520.8 0.0116e-4 0.00990 0.0 2.0 4.42 Image Image AES 8-bit
GOES-7 98W/135W Feb 26, 1987 Squared 718-2757 520.8 0.0002e-4 0.01479 0.0 6.0 1.84 Image Image CSU 8-bit
GOES-7 98W/135W Feb 26, 1987 Squared 718-2757 520.8 0.0154e-4 0.00933 0.0 6.0 2.50 Image Image NOA 8-bit
GMS-2A 140E Aug 11, 1981 Squared 704-888 530.84 0.0309e-4 0.0092 0.0 2.7 1.32 Image Image JMA 8-bit
GMS-2B 140E Aug 11, 1981 Squared 1070-1131 530.84 -0.0277e-4 0.01173 0.0 2.7 0.87 Image Image JMA 8-bit
GMS-3 140E Aug 03, 1984 Squared 43-1960 516.1 0.0122e-4 0.0092 0.0 8.0 2.11 Image Image JMA 8-bit
GMS-4 140E Sep 05, 1989 Squared 133-2109 532.39 0.0185e-4 0.0101 0.0 5.0 2.79 Image Image JMA 8-bit
GMS-5 140E Mar 17, 1995 Squared 89-2981 418.97 0.0021e-4 0.0066 0.0 0.0 0.84 Image Image JMA 8-bit
MET-2A 0 Jun 19, 1981 Linear 576-2126 414.85 0.5672e-4 1.8337 0.0 4.0 0.80 Image Image EUM 8-bit
MET-2B 0 Jun 19, 1981 Linear 2157-2615 414.85 -0.0535e-4 1.6308 0.0 4.0 0.61 Image Image EUM 8-bit
MET-3A 0 Jun 15, 1988 Linear 62-364 427.85 0.8396e-4 1.5601 0.0 4.0 0.87 Image Image ESA 8-bit
MET-3B 50W Jun 15, 1988 Linear 579-944 427.85 1.5455e-4 1.8480 0.0 4.0 1.07 Image Image ESA 8-bit
MET-4 0 Mar 6, 1989 Linear 101-1806 442.03 1.2703e-4 1.7809 0.0 4.0 0.55 Image Image ESA 8-bit
MET-5A 0 Mar 02, 1991 Linear 1079-2175 467.94 0.4983e-4 1.7604 0.0 4.0 0.55 Image Image ESA 8-bit
MET-5B 63E Mar 02, 1991 Linear 3332-5767 467.94 0.6694e-4 1.7319 0.0 4.0 0.57 Image Image EUM 8-bit
MET-6 0 Nov 20, 1993 Linear 1182-1638 468.93 0.0331e-4 1.8983 0.0 4.0 0.67 Image Image ESA 8-bit
MET-7 0/57E Sep 02, 1997 Linear 560-5431 446.07 1.2670e-4 1.9575 0.0 4.5 0.90 Image Image EUM 8-bit

The Radiance (L) in units of Wm-2sr-1µm-1 is computed from the calibration gain (g) and the measured single-gain 8-bit count (C) from the ISCCP B1U 8-bit GEO-sensor datasets, the 8-bit count space count or offset (C0) and the day since launch (dsl), as shown below depending on the response of the GEO-sensor.

Radiance (L) is computed for Linear Count Response GEO-sensors as:
L = g • (C - C0), where g = g0 + g1• dsl + g2• dsl2

Radiance (L) is computed for Squared Count Response GEO-sensors as:
L = g • (C2 - (C0)2), where g = g0 + g1• dsl + g2• dsl2

The Radiance (L) is converted to the Nominal or Scaled Reflectance (ρscaled) as:


The Uncertainty (U %) of the GEO-calibration as given in above table is the 'Temporal Variablity' about the 'Timeline Fit' in each case (see image under the DCC+Desert+LaRC column). The DCC and DESERT models are also referenced to the Aqua-MODIS Collection 6 Band 1 data. This Uncertainty does not include either the Aqua-MODIS Collection 6 Band 1 Absolute Uncertainty (1.6%) or the DCC and DESERT Calibration Transfer Uncertainty.