NASA - SatCORPS - sbaf-testing

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Spectral Band Adjustment Factor (GOME-2)

Spectral Band Adjustment Factor (GOME-2)

Spectral Band Adjustment Factor (SBAF) calculator based on GOME-2 visible hyper-spectral data.

Reference: B. R. Scarino, D. R. Doelling, P. Minnis, A. Gopalan, T. Chee, R. Bhatt, C. Lukashin, and C. O. Haney, "A web-based tool for calculating spectral band difference adjustment factors derived from SCIAMACHY hyperspectral data," IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., vol. 54, no. 5, pp. 2529-2542, 2016.

For this tool, Metop-A GOME-2 L1 radiance data are limited to the continuous spectral range of Channels 1-4, or 0.24 - 0.79 µm.
Imager-equivalent "pseudo" radiance values are in units of Wm-2 µm-1 sr-1.

For IGBP and Pseudo-Invariant Calibration Site (PICS), or desert, Earth Spectra selections, the GOME-2 data are limited to only those footprints with 0% cloud fraction as determined from the GOME2_L1_radiance dataset.

Version 1.0.C GOME-2 (FM3) / Metop-A (M02) signal degradation correction coefficients have been applied.

Comments or feedback? Contact Ben Scarino

Earth Spectra
(X-axis) SRF
(Y-axis) SRF



Central Wavelength: 

Central Wavelength: 
Click here for advanced options
Warning: Resolution selections (40x40, 40x80) are unavailable for 'Water' or 'Barren' Earth Spectra options. Please use 'All' only.